Upcoming Concerts ~ October 2023
Tuesday, October 24, 2023 at 6pm/24 de Outubro, 2023 às 18h Duo Harmonia Presents Heart-Tales at Casa-Museu Dr. Anastácio Gonçalves
O acesso para o nosso recital, Heart-tales na Casa-Museu Dr. Anastácio Gonçalves na terça-feira 24 de Outubro, 2023 às 18h é GRATUITO (sujeito à lotação da sala) Reservas tel. 213540823 | Levantamento de reservas no dia do concerto, até às 17h.
Access to our recital, Heart-tales at Casa-Museu Dr. Anastácio Gonçalves on Tuesday, October 24, 2023 at 6pm is FREE (subject to room capacity) Reservations tel. 213540823 | Reservations can be made until 5 pm on the day of the concert
Thursday, October 26, 2023 at 7pm/26 de Outubro, 2023 às 19h Duo Harmonia Presents Heart-Tales at Palacio Fronteira/RTP Antena 2
O acesso para o nosso recital, Heart-tales na Palacio Fronteira/RTP Antena 2 na terça-feira 26 de Outubro, 2023 às 19h é GRATUITO
Access to our recital, Heart-tales at Palacio Fronteira/RTPAntena 2 on Tuesday, October 26, 2023 at 7pm is FREE

Founded in 2008, Duo Harmonia (formerly the BaÅŸgöze-Pinto Piano Duo) have been frequent and regular performers with a full repertoire of music for two pianos and piano duets. They have also amassed a repertoire of newly commissioned works composed specifically for them that features elements of the Turkish and Portuguese musical traditions. As different as these traditions may seem, they complement one another remarkably well.
The duo was founded on the principle that cultural differences should neither segregate nor discriminate, but only draw people together.

CD Release: Harmonia
Recipients of a MacPhail Artist Development Grant, funded by the McKnight Foundation, Duo Harmonia set out to record the music composed specifically for their duo. After months of recording, editing and polishing the big event finally arrived: the CD Release Concert! Held in the award-winning Antonello Hall at MacPhail Center for Music, the duo performed for a near-capacity house. The program featured four works written for their duo as well as the world premiere of "Scenes from Lisbon," composed by Gregory Theisen. Pınar and Susana signed CDs during the reception. Photos can be found in the gallery below; complete information about Harmonia can be found here.

Stay up to date with Duo Harmonia!